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September 3, 2024
4 min read time

Jump-Start Your Research Project by Joining 2024 DataWorks! Prize Challenge

The 2024 DataWorks! Prize is open for proposals of health science research projects based on reuse of secondary data. The prize is co-sponsored by FASEB, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Generalist Repository Ecosystem Initiative (GREI), with a prize pot of $500,000 for winners. 

This is a great opportunity for researchers to explore data reuse methods or get a back-burnered research idea off the ground. We hope you will apply, and we look forward to reviewing your proposals.

This iteration of the prize will have two phases: In Phase 1, researchers will submit their research proposals. If selected to advance, they will receive funding to execute their research in Phase 2. The completed projects will be judged at the end of Phase 2, and further prize money will be distributed by the NIH to competition winners.

Prize Details 

The 2024 DataWorks! Prize, in collaboration with the seven generalist repositories participating in the NIH-funded GREI, will focus on best practices in data reuse and secondary analysis that advance human health. The challenge is structured in two phases: 

  • Phase 1: Research teams will submit a proposal to conduct a secondary analysis research project to be completed within a six-month period, incorporating data from one or more GREI-participating repositories. Teams may also combine data from other repositories. 
  • Phase 2: Up to 10 research teams will be selected from Phase 1 to advance to Phase 2. The teams will execute their reuse/secondary analysis projects, publicly share their findings, and become eligible for further prize money.

To qualify, submissions must: 

  • Address a pivotal health research question through data reuse and secondary data analysis. 
  • Include data from at least one of the GREI organizations: Dataverse, Dryad, Figshare, Mendeley Data, Open Science Framework (OSF), Vivli, or Zenodo.
  • Share results with the broader scientific community. 

Additional Eligibility requirements can be found here. Phase 1 submissions are open from August 14 to October 23, 2024. 

The NIH Office of Data Science Strategy will award up to $500,000 total in cash prizes to the Challenge winners. NIH will award the prize purse in the following amounts: 

  • Phase 1: $25,000 per winner, up to 10 winners
  • Phase 2:
    • Grand Prize: $100,000 for one winner  
    • Distinguished Achievement Awards: $75,000 per winner, up to two winners  

To participate in the 2024 DataWorks! Prize Challenge, and for more information, visit