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July 23, 2024
3 min read time

GREI Releases Flowchart to Guide Selection of Generalist Repositories

The Generalist Repository Ecosystem Initiative (GREI) has created a helpful flowchart to direct researchers to the generalist data repository option that best suits the needs of their project. 

The GREI is an initiative sponsored by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to raise awareness about generalist repositories and to assist researchers in sharing their data in generalist repositories in a FAIR manner. 

As part of this mission, the GREI has been releasing resources for the research community to help with choosing a generalist repository, including a previous generalist repository comparison chart.

The GREI is an ongoing project, so researchers may want to keep an eye on The GREI Community blog for other new resources, webinars, and training sessions related to generalist repositories.